Why do Spaniels Roll in Fox Poo?

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A disgusting scene to witness, there are however many scientific reasons as to why Spaniels love rolling in fox poo

Image source: Canva


One of the reasons is that the behavior is ingrained and possibly passed down from the parents

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The puppy may have watched its parents or other animals do the same and taken it as a form of fun sport

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Reason 2 by rolling in fox poo, the dog might also be trying to hide its smell as a natural instinct

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This is also a wild natural instict and in no way does it mean that your pup is going bonkers

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Or the final reason behind this quirky behavior is that the canine is trying to leave its own pheromones on the stinky mess

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All of the three factors could be a valid answer as to why the pooch is doing so, even though it could be unusual for us

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Or if the matter is much more serious, taking the pup to a vet will also help you get the answers you need

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