Hello everyone!!! I hope you are doing well. Welcome to our yet another blog where we will be shedding light on some weird but fascinating aspects of the all-beautiful English Springer Spaniel sleeping positions. So, without any further ado, let’s start.
While similar to other dog breeds, Springer Spaniels prefer sleeping on their side mostly, you may occasionally find themselves immersed in deep sleep that too in absurd positions. Starting from seemingly uncomfortable ones to somewhat complicated yogic postures, they got all creativities.
So, if you have been curious as to why your pooch has suddenly started sleeping in a particular style, here is what you need to know.
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English springer spaniel sleeping positions and their meaning
Although there are literally hundreds of different English springer spaniel sleeping positions that pet parents have managed to save in their camera rolls, below are the top rated weirdest sleeping positions. To make it more interesting, we have also added the various meanings and interpretations behind every sleeping style.
The Side sleeper
Starting with the most basic position, this is when your English springer spaniel is enjoying a good night’s sleep while laying on their side. All their legs and joints are calm, relaxed, and spread out, offering them the most comfort of all other sleeping styles. Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM and advisor for Pup Life Today, a reputable website on all dog breeds, states that Spaniels who are comfortable with their surroundings and have the optimal room temperature generally prefer this position.
This English springer spaniel sleeping position is also predominantly seen in puppies or older Spaniels suffering from painful joints. As there is no pressure on their already fragile bones, they are able to sleep peacefully and almost like a baby. So, if your pup frequently prefers this particular sleeping style, he trusts you a ton.
The Sphinx
Getting its name from the very “Great Sphinx of Giza”, in this position your English Springer spaniel sleeps with its head placed on the top of their paws. Also commonly known as the ‘Lion’s pose, this is where the pup has not yet drifted into deep sleep. Their senses stay alert the whole time, meaning your pup will swiftly jump into action if needed for anything. Rather than sleeping on their comfortable beds, these pooches will definitely want to stick by your side or at the front door.
A sleeping position mostly seen in the devoted and protective Springer spaniel, however this doesn’t mean your pup is aggressive. The little woofer might be resting a bit before getting all bouncy and happy, until you have completed your chores.
The Superman pose
A successor to the Sphinx, in this English springer spaniel sleeping position, the pooch sleeps with all fours crawled out. They are completely rested, belly pressed on to the ground, with back legs behind and front legs spread forward. This is also referred to as the ‘Crocodile’ pose, given the similarity of the position to a resting crocodile. Although it seems a comfortable position to sleep in, this puts a lot of pressure on their hind leg joints.
However, if you have witnessed your pupper sleeping in this position, every once in a while, there’s nothing to worry about. Such positions are often exhibited by very playful and active Spaniel puppies. Although they might seem heavily invested in their sleep, they won’t think twice before jumping on to the next play opportunity they get.
The Rolled-up Fuzzball
Ever came into the room finding the love of your life, rolled up into a neat fur-croissant? Then, this is what we dog lovers call, ‘The Rolled-up Fuzzball’. Same as their name sounds, your English Springer Spaniel sleeps with all its limbs tucked closer to their belly. Occasionally they might also drape their tail across their body to gain more warmth. Another popular position to that of the side-sleeping position; most adult dogs and even puppies prefer this pose when they are cold or in unfamiliar places.
Such dogs often exhibit anxious behavior although they are definitely immensely adorable. Given their pose, it allows the puppers to ensure that they are away from the way of harm, as their limbs act as a barrier thereby protecting their vitals.
The Cuddler
A position that is most commonly found on Insta reels or photos, the cuddler is when your pupper prefers to sleep on top of you or while holding another dog. In this particular pose, they can either scoot near to another pet or lay their head on top of you. Being one of the most adorable positions out there, many pet lovers absolutely ‘love’ this and hence treat this special display of affection by cuddling back with them.
Peter Laskay, a pet expert, quotes this position as, “that the dog wants to get close to you or other dogs” at Petworshiper, a blogging site made especially for pet lovers. It may also mean that your Spaniel loves the way you smell and senses a sense of security when alongside your presence, thereby not leaving any single chance of snoozing right next to you.
The Digger
Does your English Springer spaniel loves digging into blankets, pillows or even your clothes when sleepy? Then, congratulations, your woofer belongs to the ‘digger’ category. Also, commonly preferred as the burrowing sleeping position, in this pose, they will often tuck themselves completely or partially under anything their little snouts can lift. This behavior is often associated with a sense of neediness or comfort and warmth in chilly surroundings.
So, if your pup is a digger or burrower, great chances are that they are going to be greatly affectionate and need as much cuddle time as possible. However, if you aren’t much of a fan of waking up with your dog paws on your face or hair all over, lending them their favorite blankie can also be a good solution.
The Yogic Master
Arguably, the best ever English Springer Spaniel sleeping position ever to exist, the Yogic Master is also the weirdest pose out of all. In this particular stance, the pup sleeps on its back, with its legs floating in the air. Some dogs also prefer turning up a bit to one of their sides when doing so according to their comfort or else make the wall, their bed ridges or the sofa their support system. Although we pet parents may find this to be greatly inconvenient, the position is actually quite comfortable and relaxing for them.
Given the pups natural body design, sleeping in such a stance allows their backs to finally relax a little and gain its strength back. Moreover, it also means that the Spaniel trusts you completely, therefore exposing you with their vital organs. Such doggos are also super happy and content with their surroundings.
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Another similar stance to the cuddler, this is where your Spaniel likes to sleep with its back attached to you or other pets in your home. The dog often gets slowly bundled up to the human or other dog. Once in close proximity, the pup will lie down with legs in the opposite direction, and only the back touching. A sign of love and comfort, this behavior is mostly found in smaller puppies, although older Spaniels also love sleeping in this position.
Many pet therapists and researchers have time and again commented on this particular stature. For instance, Jen Jones states that Spaniels often prefer this position only with people they feel really attached or safe with. So, if your baby has been doing this for a while now, you now know the very special reason behind it.
English Springer Spaniels are no wonder one of the best presents the Heavens have adorned us with. And yes, like every other beautiful mystery, the life of this adorable breed is also made up of various beautiful and astonishing facts that we owners might not be wary of.
So, if you are interested as to find out other mesmerizing facts of this beautiful regal dolls, don’t forget to leave your valuable comments.
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