LSD!!! A rather shunned topic that not everyone is cool with speaking publicly, the drug has been banned in many regions. However, this still doesn’t keep violators from keeping their stashes safely tucked away in safe places. And while today we aren’t here to discuss the side effects of the acid for humans, we will be discussing everything important there is to know about canine exposure to the drug. So, let’s start.
While many claim that accidental exposure of LSD in canines is nothing to worry about, they sure come with many side effects. The drug numbs their central nervous system, thereby resulting in uncoordinated movements and other weird behaviours. This disorientation may also lead to secondary risks when not monitored properly, and hence strict supervision and follow up by a professional is a must, if you have a dog on acid.
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What is LSD?
Commonly known as acid, Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a highly strong synthetic crystalline hallucinogenic compound. Derived from the secretions of a fungus, ergot, the effects generally stay for long hours after consuming or vaping the product in humans.
Similarly, according to the ASPCA’s reports, if your pooch accidentally breaks into one of your stashes and is exposed to the compound, it typically takes 90 minutes for the initial signs to occur. Although such instances don’t directly affect your pooch’s health, many things can happen during the episode.
Can I give my dog LSD?
NEVER!!! No pet parent in their right mind would ever do such a thing, even if the action doesn’t affect their pup’s health. Not only keeping LSD stacks is illegal but administering these to your pet both knowingly or unknowingly is downright animal abuse. Upon being found guilty, violators will be punished according to the law and the poor animal would be confiscated and transferred to a vet care.
So, if you are too deranged and bored to be trying out such a gruesome act, better send the innocent animal to a loving family. Such owners never deserve their pet’s kindness in their life and need to be severely punished.
What are the signs of LSD exposure in my dogs?
Understanding the very specific signs of a dog on acid is difficult. This is because the severity and type of hallucinations vary considerably in each dog and hence they each may act out much differently from the other. However, some of the commonly reported signs include:
- Severe disorientation
- Dilated pupils
- Foaming at the mouth
- Loss of coordination in their limbs
- Excessive vocalising
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tremors in excitement
- Intensified drooling
- Depression
- Increased blood pressure and body temperature
Even though these symptoms may not seem much initially, they can quickly build up into much severe circumstances based upon the dogs’ health, age, genetics, previous medical history, etc. Apart from that, their disorientation and hallucination episodes might also make them snappy, aggressive or risk other accidents when not monitored properly.
How long do these effects stay in canines?
Based upon many factors, the above-said effects may stay anywhere between 10-12 hours in exposed canines. Unlike our bodies, a dog’s digestive system is much more simple and hence it takes a long time for their body to break down complex substances such as LSD.
Although professional treatment by qualified vets may quicken the process, your pooch will still need to stay overnight at the clinic. The vet will run the pupper through all necessary tests and blood examinations to make sure they are in perfect health conditions before green-flagging them to home.
However, if your dog comes down with any other issue related to the LSD abuse, they might have to stay for a much longer period. Such instances can get really expensive and even lead to legal summons by the local authorities.
How are canines with LSD exposure treated?
At the vet clinic, your vet will immediately start with conducting necessary tests on the pooch, including measuring their body temperature and blood pressure levels. During this process, they might also put in a muzzle on the dog’s mouth and add constraints to its limbs. This is to keep the pooch safe if they start shaking severely or try to mutilate themselves when hallucinating. The pet will then be transferred into a dark, quiet room to reduce further shocks due to noise or other disturbing factors.
Next depending upon the blood test results, an IV fluid may be administered to keep their little bodies from overheating. As the drug works by suddenly increasing thyroid hormones, such a sudden change when kept ignored can severely impact their organs. Similarly, for managing optimal blood pressure levels, medications may either be administered orally or injected directly into their bloodstream.
Treating a dog on LSD is hard for both the pet as well as the front line healthcare workers, as there is always the risk of urgencies in such cases. Their little bodies may not handle the hallucinogenic drug and slowly start giving up. So why risk your dog’s safety for some laugh that will ultimately cost you both prison time, high expense and loss of pet ownership rights of your beloved pooch.
Are there any home remedies for treating a dog on acid?
There is no home-based treatment trick to treating such emergencies, and therefore you need to take them into the vet’s clinic at the immediate instant. LSD is a highly volatile compound that is swiftly absorbed from the mouth or nose and hence if you find one in your dog’s mouth, it is already a lost cause.
Although some so-called dog-friendly blogs may advise using charcoal to absorb the substances, the pieces may get into their lungs if the dog starts hallucinating. Forcing them to vomit or giving them charcoal will only make the situation worse, and hence you need to take them to the vet as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, however, don’t forget to muzzle them up. We humans can’t comprehend what the dog might be feeling after the exposure and muzzling their mouth is for the safety of both the handler as well as the dog. You can also put on damp towels on their backs to cool them down when on the road, but make sure to do it slowly. Any fast action can send the dog into a frenzy, causing even more issues.
What is the legal punishment for administering LSD to canines?
Particularly attributing to the area you are staying in, legal punishment for handling and wrongful administration of the compound will cost you a heavy fine as well as a long imprisonment. The act of putting an unsuspecting dog through the consequences is outright barbaric, and also point blank sociopath. Apart from the above mentioned consequences, concerned Animal Protection authorities will also confiscate your pooch and send it to a new loving destination. On top of that you may also be permanently banned from having any future pet ownership rights for any kind of pet animals.
Thus, if you have any love for your dog as well as your own social image, staying away from such illegal drugs is highly crucial.
Because always remember, “There is no excuse for animal abuse.”
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