Welcome back to our new blog. Today we will know about the best time to vaccinate a Cocker Spaniel puppy. If you have recently become the proud parent of one of these beautiful, majestic pups, this blog is going to be super important for you.
The best time to vaccinate a Cocker Spaniel puppy is between 6 weeks to 8 weeks of his age. As most puppies arrive at the age of 45-50 days old, starting the vaccinations as soon as possible is best advised. This practice will ensure that your precious pooch stays safe from exposure to microbes and enjoys a safe and happy long life.
But before we start with the main context, let’s look at why vaccinations are so essential.
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Why is vaccinating a Cocker Spaniel so important?
Cocker Spaniels are regal dogs bred to serve as one of the most loyal partners in their pet parent’s life. When you vaccinate them, you have got them covered as much as they do. Vaccines induce live or dead treated antigens into their system, which further strengthen their immune system. As the vaccine produces antibodies to fight against the disease, their bodies become even stronger and healthier.
Vaccination is important to keep your adorable pooch’s body ready for any season. For instance, a Spaniel puppy previously vaccinated with the parvo shot will have a very negligible chance of falling ill during the peak parvo season as its body gets able to recognize the virus exposure and hence produces essential antibodies to eradicate any chances of illness.
With this basic knowledge, let’s learn more about different types of vaccines administered to a Cocker Spaniel puppy.
What are the Core puppy vaccinations?
Out of all vaccinations available, the American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force recognizes certain ones as the core puppy vaccinations.
1. Canine Parvovirus
It’s a vaccine for the highly contagious Parvovirus that attacks the gastrointestinal system, causing the pup to dehydrate and their organs to shut down at an alarming rate.
2. Canine Distemper
It’s a vaccine for a fatal disease attacking the puppies’ respiratory, GI, and nervous systems, leading to severe health consequences and death.
3. Hepatitis
This drug is for a viral infection affecting the pooch’s liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, and eyes.
4. Leptospirosis
Doctors recommend this shot for a bacteria that can infect multiple organs of the dog, creating a wide range of health conditions.
5. Rabies
Rabies acts as a booster for a viral disease affecting the CNS of the Cocker Spaniels, often leading to their early death or paralysis.
However, apart from the above list, other vaccinations are also equally necessary as the core vaccinations. Hence, administering them once in a while will ensure your Cocker Spaniel stays fit and fine.
6. Canine Parainfluenza
It’s a vaccine for protection against contagious tracheobronchitis, which causes inflamed upper airways.
7. Lyme vaccine
It’s a booster for an infectious, tick-borne disease that quickly escalates to neurological disorders when ignored for long.
8. Bordetella
It’s a vaccine for another form of kennel cough.
Unlike COVID-19, the vaccine acts as a preventive for a disease that generally affects the GI system and respiratory pathways.
10. Heartworm
It’s a preventive for a worm that infests within the heart and pulmonary arteries of the infected dogs.
Similarly, depending upon your pooch’s health, your vet may also ask you to roll up for other vaccines. However, they are variable and are only provided in case the pup is suffering from a specific condition or lifestyle.
When to initiate puppy vaccinations?
As stated previously, the best time to vaccinate a Cocker Spaniel puppy is after they have stopped weaning from their mother. The sudden shift increases the risk of microbe infestation, and hence vets often recommend vaccinating your precious puppers during this time.
However, depending upon the region you live in, the apt time may differ a few weeks here and there. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to consult with a professional and reliable veterinarian who can help you decide the perfect time for the next major step. You might also want to look at your pup’s health prior to their vaccination schedule. If they are down with something trivial, waiting a few days will help their body easily adjust to the injected antigens.
Puppy vaccination schedule
According to the American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force, the following is one of the most highly preferred schedules for vaccinating your puppies.
- 6-7 weeks age- DHPP, Bordetella
- 9-10 weeks age- DHPP, Bordetella, Leptospirosis
- 12-13 weeks age- DHPP, Leptospirosis, Canine Influenza, Lyme disease
- 15-17 weeks age- DHPP, Rabies, Canine Influenza, Lyme disease
Here DHPP stands for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza. The vaccine comes with different names and may also be mixed with other antigens for common diseases. Hence, for best results, always go for the vaccine preferred by your vet for your Cocker Spaniel puppy.
What happens when the vaccination is not complete?
Although it might seem cruel to many, more than 45 per cent of puppies lose their lives annually or end up severely hampered due to improper vaccination schedules. As their fragile bodies are exposed to harmful microbes, they increasingly become vulnerable to illness or death. Such situations are not only emotionally draining but also put a huge dent in your pockets, skyrocketing your credit bills.
This is why vaccinating a Cocker Spaniel puppy from the very start of their puppyhood is so essential. Even more, you are also liable to legal punishments or heavy fines in case your pup is found to be missing even one or two vaccines in their pet’s record. This is a Class C Misdemeanor charge and can easily escalate to other serious ones if not adhered to properly.
Are there any associated side effects?
Yes, there have been certain cases where a Cocker Spaniel puppy has shown adverse reactions to the vaccine. However, fortunately, the frequency is almost nil.
There are many factors that should be thoroughly checked before administering a vaccine to the puppy. Some of these include their age, medical history, lifestyle and environment they are residing in, travel habits, etc. Only after this, the vet should consult with you regarding the vaccination schedule.
But, similar to other medications, there is still a low chance of side effects that can never be completely disregarded even after all of this. Therefore, vets often advise pet parents to consciously monitor their puppies for a few hours after the vaccine is injected.
Thus, if you are also a new pet parent and looking for a detailed guide on their vaccination tit-bits, getting to know about these risks can surely come in handy. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms include:
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Swelling in face, paws, or occurrence of hives
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Severe pain or swelling at the injection site
- Seizure
- Difficulty in breathing or unconsciousness
A lot of these symptoms may show when your pooch has freshly returned from the vet. Not every Spaniel puppy might be a fan of their vet and hence might be too upset or moody at the time. However, a prolonged reaction or if the dog is unable to walk properly even after 12 hours of the vaccine, consulting a vet is highly advised.
Taking your fur baby to an experienced and reputed vet clinic or hospital is best to reduce such unfavourable situations. Because money will come and go, but there is nothing as precious as that goofy smile, waiting every day at the door to welcome you.
End Thoughts
In this blog, we have tried accumulating every fact to be known when you are thinking of the best time to vaccinate a Cocker Spaniel. However, if we have missed any info, we would love you to ask for additions or share ideas on improvement; waiting for your lovely comments. You can also know more about puppy care and training techniques from this best-selling book.
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