While having a furry little canine is a wonderful experience that many have the chance to come across, not all days with these four-legged partners are rainbows and sunshine. There may also be some instances where you might regret some choices, and by choices we mean not giving them proper training.
If you have an excessively humping dog, training them not to do it is your only best bet. Every time you notice the pre-signs, you will need to act first. Discourage him, turn away, or command them to ‘sit’ immediately. In case they show no mood to respond to you, take them to a quiet room and give them some time to calm down.
While many may think stopping an excessively humping dog is easy, believe us, it’s not. And if you are wondering why such, then here’s the reason. But before we start, if you are curious to know the underlying causes behind your pooch’s excessive mounting and thrusting, you can visit here.
Table of Contents
Is it hard to stop an excessively masturbating dog?
Until and unless the action doesn’t turn into a compulsive disorder, you can fortunately distract your precious woofer from it. However, the moment it turns into something worse, you will need to up your stakes. Dogs have a rather simple mind and hence they do as they like. They don’t particularly understand what you exactly like and what not, and therefore sometimes end up doing things that may either embarrass you or make you angry. And given the bursting emotions at that period of time, the entire thing is also not their fault.
Similarly, depending upon the dog’s personality and relationship with its owner, in some cases they might show hostility when prevented from thrusting. They can snap back, growl, or even show telltale signs of vicious attack when provoked in the wrong way. Biologically they are animals and no matter how much they may love you, no dog would appreciate hindrances when trying to hump or mate. Although such instances are super rare, it doesn’t hurt to carefully observe your pooch’s mood and act upon it.
So how do I stop them from extreme humping?
The first thing as a pet owner you need to do is consult with a professional vet and canine behavioural specialist. Only after running necessary tests, can they find the exact cause behind the sudden shift of their actions and also provide resolutions for the same.
Once the necessary steps are done, the second essential thing is to carefully observe their pre-humping signs. Woofers don’t suddenly start humping and hence giving their actions a proper go through can give you enough idea on how to expect such action.
Below we have mentioned some pre-signs of humping. So, make sure to remember these for an efficient control on their excessive humping behaviour.
- Closely following you or other pets in home
- Licking and pawing at legs
- Excessive panting or whining
- Sniffing your legs or other pets’ bodies
- Standing in an upright position
- Slow inching towards you
- Nipping or brushing their bodies against you
- And finally jumping
The one benefit of remembering these signs is that when your dog starts exhibiting any of these above-mentioned points, you will have enough time to distract them. And therefore avoid the risk of compulsive disorder in your lovely pooches.
What are the best methods to stop a dog from humping?
Depending upon the severity of the case, you can choose to either personally train your dog or have them rectified through a certified behavioural specialist. It may also depend upon the exact cause of your dog’s humping as not every thrusting is a sign of compulsive disorder.
The easiest of them all, if you see your pupper exhibiting any of the above mentioned signs, try distracting them to something else. The method generally works out as they are super curious by nature and hence anything that seems out of the ordinary or sudden may successfully distract dogs from the bad action. It can be a chew toy, knocking or tapping sounds, and even the doorbell.
However, make sure to never throw in a treat when trying to distract them from the action. They might suppose the complete opposite of what you want them to learn, leading the behaviour to become a greater issue.
Positive Reinforcement Training
Apparently, the most efficient of all, positive reinforcement training methods are a great way to bring back the gentleman in your ‘amorous’ dog. The methods are specially designed to help strengthen bonds between the owner and the pooch, thereby offering both precious memories on the course.
Thus, if you want to stop excessive humping in dogs, start with noticing the behavioural changes. Command them to ‘sit’ or ‘lie down’ and if the dog follows your commands, offer them a palatable treat. Repeat the sequence many times until they have calmed down to associate a pleasurable experience with their response.
However, it is essential to remember that your dog will require time and loads of patience from your side to be able to perform as desired. In the meanwhile, never shout, raise hands, or punish your dog in any way if they aren’t listening. Doing this will only make them distrustful and scared of you.
If the above two methods don’t work out well it is time to introduce them to a quiet, aloof time out zone. Dogs are pack animals by nature and hence they are always looking forward to spending time with you or other pets in the house. So, when left alone in the time out zones for a short amount of time, it helps them realise their fault and hence they might stop doing it eventually.
It is better if the time out zone has no furniture, toys or anything that they might start playing with instead. When putting them in these zones, you might also want to dim the lights a bit lower, as even the light intensity plays a major factor in influencing their moods. So reduced lighting conditions might help them calm down much more quickly than well-lit rooms. But, never keep them in dark rooms, it may freak the pup out.
Seek a certified behavioural expert
Certified canine behavioural experts are specially trained to help tackle these situations and hence if your dog isn’t showing any signs of improving, you will require the professional’s help. Their responsibility will require them to find out the causes hindering the desired response from the four-legged woofers and hence find specific solutions.
When looking for a certified canine behavioural expert, make sure they have years worth practical knowledge regarding the same or else you will be paying money for nothing. The more the experience they have, the quicker and more efficient they will be able to work out the situation.
Neutering and Spaying
Unless they are of high-breed quality or are show breeds, it is better to spay or neuter your little fur friends. Contrary to us humans, domesticated pets (mostly those who stay alone with their pet parents) have no other way of fulfilling their biological needs rather than dry humping their owner’s legs. So, while the action may be creeping you out or embarrassing you in front of your guests, just think from the little pooch’s shoes.
While compromising them doesn’t stop humping completely, it surely does alleviate worse situations that might happen in near future. This includes compulsive humping behaviour, pee marking on several spots, nipping and mood swifts, and also risk to STDs. It has also been proven that spayed or neutered dogs have better and longer life cycles than intact ones and hence if you have the option to add more happy years to your dog’s life, why not spay or neuter them!!!
In this blog we tried covering every possible aspect regarding tricks on how to stop excessive humping in dogs. For more interesting posts like these, subscribe to our mailing list and get notified every time there’s a new post from our side.
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